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"The Skin, I Live In”

Some beauty and skincare myths that we have been hearing throughout the childhood/teenage years, seem to have turned out wrong. There are plenty of facts, that we rejected/denied, or vice versa - wrongfully, blindly believed even in our 20’s and only learnt the truth from the personal experience afterwards. In order to avoid mistakes in our routine, that will have an imminent effect on how our skin will look in our 30ies and later on, Attirance Blog will spill the tea and tell you about the most popular beauty/skincare myths, that tend to change the complete perspective on how we look after “The skin, that we live in” . Read More
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Choosing A Perfect Deodorant

There are plenty of deodorants and anti-perspirants on the market. They consist of different shapes, sizes, scents and textures. It’s really difficult to choose when there’s such an amalgam offered. However, it’s important to declare what your specific needs as a costumer are, as most of the unsatisfied customers are the people who did not do a proper research and trusted their fortune or a shop consultant, that the product purchased will suit their skin-type and solve the problem that they are presented with. It’s your decision to follow a strategy of finding a proper deodorant: a loop of trials and errors, huge piles of the half-used deodorants in the bathroom - or simply raising your awareness, knowledge and confidently walking into the pharmacy and obtaining the right product for yourself. Read More
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Myths About Hair-Care

There’s a saying, “Her hair only - equals a hundred woman”. Beauty is found everywhere and in all types of women and men, but It’s impossible to ignore and refuse noticing healthy, shining hair – that often serves as a cherry on the top, while looking at an attractive human. Apart from Genetics, awareness of chemical ingredients that the shampoos and conditioners on the market contain, can lead to glistening results. Silky and smooth, your hair can accompany you like a crown and make you feel ready to go – confident and content. Read More